Asus replaced the touchpad on its new ZenBook Pro with a 5.5-inch touchscreen


Unveiled at Computex 2018, the
電腦收購asus ZenBook Pro is the new pinnacle of
電腦收購asus’ premium laptop range, and it comes with an attention-grabbing new feature: a smartphone-sized touchscreen in the place of the regular touchpad. I got to grips with the two ZenBook Pro models and their so-called ScreenPads here in Taipei, and I was pleasantly surprised by how well implemented and potentially useful this apparent gimmick feature is.

Unlike Apple’s limited and unhelpful MacBook Pro Touch Bar, the
電腦收購asus ScreenPad doesn’t take anything useful away like physical keys. It resides exactly where the laptop’s touchpad usually does, and it works exactly as a regular touchpad does. But the ScreenPad is “the world’s first smart touchpad,” in
電腦收購asus’ words, because it can also serve as a multifunctional touch-enabled display, a sort of dumbed-down smartphone that’s integrated with your Windows PC.

Spanning 5.5 inches with a 1920 x 1080 resolution, the ScreenPad can be turned into your app launcher, calculator, calendar, or numeric keypad. It can also play back YouTube videos via a Chrome extension, or it can simply extend the ZenBook Pro’s main display. I tried using it in all those various ways, and it wasn’t terrible. I quickly adapted to the switching between modes — which is done by pressing F6, no need for hunting around settings and menus — and where something wasn’t obvious, it only took a little trial and error to figure it out. Perhaps the biggest confusion stems from the extender mode: that’s when I can drag a browser window directly off the main display and onto the ScreenPad. In that circumstance, I expect the ScreenPad to still be a touchscreen, but it just works as a touchpad, meaning I have to manipulate what’s on it with the cursor.

I know my praise sounds faint, but given the difficulty of inventing a whole new paradigm of interaction like this, I think
電腦收購asus has made a promising start with its ScreenPad. Physically, this pad has a nice matte finish that feels good to the touch and reduces glare.




電腦收購asus has worked with Microsoft to develop Office integrations for the ScreenPad, so you get access to Word, Excel, and PowerPoint shortcuts and adjustments on it. The pad can also function as a neat music and video playback controller, and
電腦收購asus says it will support Spotify controls with it. The ZenBook Pro’s maker is going to release a ScreenPad developer kit and is maintaining a website where all the compatible apps are listed, the majority of which will be found on the Windows Store. Knowing
電腦收購asus’ poor track record with developing software and the Windows Store’s dire lack of popularity, I’m not brimming with confidence that this initiative will flourish, but I give
電腦收購asus credit for trying.

Beside having a touchpad it deems to be the next step in adaptive computing,
電腦收購asus has plenty of other good things to boast about with the ZenBook Pro. The 15.6-inch model of this laptop offers a 4K touchscreen with great color fidelity and bezels thin enough to make it the size of a more conventional 14-inch laptop. The 14-inch version, in turn, has roughly the same footprint as my 13-inch MacBook Pro. These are well built laptops, too, with aluminum on the top, bottom, and wrist rest of each. I could live without
電腦收購asus’ signature concentric circle design, which the company calls “classic,” but I find evocative of some of the less successful models in its mobile PC range.

While testing the ScreenPad as a music controller, I was wowed by the quality of the speakers on the larger ZenBook Pro.
電腦收購asus has built an audio system that produces loud, rich sound with none of the tinniness and feebleness of typical laptop speakers. The 2016 MacBook Pro that I use has very good speakers, but the ZenBook Pro is markedly better. The improvement is so obvious that I can be sure of it even after only a brief listen.

電腦收購asus says that it designed the ZenBook Pro with creators in mind. That’s the big demographic that PC makers are chasing at this year’s Computex: photographers, video makers, designers, basically anyone who can find use for a few extra CPU cycles. The common thread to all classes of digital creators is that they work with visuals, so
電腦收購asus has tried to maximize the color accuracy of the ZenBook Pro’s screen, and it’s received certification from Pantone (though I couldn’t get an explanation of what that mark of approval signified). The ZenBook Pro offers 132 percent coverage of the sRGB color space and 100 percent of Adobe RGB.



電腦收購asus ZenBook Pro
Photo by Vlad Savov / The Verge

The smaller 14-inch ZenBook Pro has one of
電腦收購asus’ ErgoLift hinges, the purpose of which is solely to elevate the keyboard for a more natural typing posture. I can’t say how much of a benefit that is in long-term use, though I don’t see
電腦收購asus sacrificing any other design element for it, so I’m fine with its inclusion. Given my preference for smaller laptops, I did find the 14-inch ZenBook Pro the much more appealing of the two. In terms of specs, it has a lower ceiling than its larger sibling, maxing out with a Core i7 CPU, a GeForce GTX 1050 Max-Q, USB-C ports without Thunderbolt 3, and an IR camera for Windows Hello instead of the fingerprint sensor of the Pro 15.

電腦收購asus is putting the ZenBook Pro 15 on sale in mid-July for a starting price of $2,299. Its 14-inch counterpart will follow in the fourth quarter of the year, offering superior battery life of up to 13 hours. Both will come in
電腦收購asus’ favored shade of so-called Deep Dive Blue.

Photography by Vlad Savov / The Verge


▲Acer Swift Go 14。(圖/宏碁提供)


英特爾14日發表全新架構的Core Ultra處理器(代號Meteor Lake),將實現在PC、NB的AI加速及邊緣計算應用,台廠包括華碩、宏碁、微星和技嘉等也同步發表旗下首款AI筆電,積極搶攻下一波龐大換機潮商機。


華碩今發表首台搭載最新Intel Core Ultra系列處理器的AI筆電
電腦收購asus Zenbook 14 OLED、1.2公斤、14.9公釐的輕薄機身,Intel Core Ultra處理器內建AI專用的NPU,不但更省電,還可降低CPU工作負載,大幅提高AI處理能力,擴展到圖像、文字及程式生成等更多應用領域。



▲華碩Zenbook 14 OLED AI筆電。(圖/華碩提供)

電腦收購asus Zenbook 14 OLED通過Intel Evo認證,Intel Core Ultra處理器與 Intel Arc顯示晶片的強大效能,成就更好的AI體驗,並提供智慧管理相機背景特效、追蹤使用者臉部與眼部動作等AI應用功能。最高配備1 TB SSD儲存裝置、32 GB記憶體與WiFi 6E技術,以超高效率完成任務、搶得AI先機。75Wh大電量長效續航,USB-C Easy Charge 49分鐘即可快充至60%,隨時戰力飽滿。最高14吋16:10 120Hz 3K OLED螢幕色彩鮮豔生動、600尼特峰值亮度、DCI-P3:100% 廣色域、VESA DisplayHDR™ True Black 600與德國萊因 (TÜV Rheinland) 低藍光 / SGS 護眼雙認證,栩栩如生的視覺,並長保雙眼舒適。建議售價約48,900元。


宏碁今發表最新AI-Ready筆記型電腦 Acer Swift Go 14 (SFG14-72),搭載Intel Core Ultra處理器,配備Intel Arc顯示晶片及Intel AI Boost整合性NPU,於輕薄的機身中提供高效AI運算性能,創造沉浸式體驗。搭載OLED面板的Swift Go 14筆電之一系列AI功能讓其如虎添翼,包括Acer PurifiedVoice及Acer PurifiedView等視訊會議與客製化工具,滿足學生、專業人士或創作者的使用需求;亦能透過Windows 11 中的Copilot AI 助理,輕鬆完成各種任務與工作。


▲Acer Swift Go 14 。(圖/宏碁提供)

宏碁筆記型電腦產品事業總處長林恭正表示,全新推出的Swift Go 14為目前市場上率先搭載Intel Core Ultra處理器的產品之一,不僅外觀時尚有型,更搭載高解析度螢幕及一系列最新協作技術,以多元的功能滿足不同生活型態。未來,宏碁將推出強化生成式AI應用的更多產品。

Acer Swift Go 14最高搭載全新Intel Core Ultra 7 155H處理器且獲得Intel Evo平台認證,提供性能升級所需的技術與功能,例如:即時喚醒、快速充電以及長達12.5小時的長效電池續航力。Intel Ultra Core H系列處理器配備專屬AI引擎Intel AI Boost及Intel Arc 顯示晶片,能展現最佳性能,並以極致能源效率驅動多項AI功能,於遊戲及創作時打造沉浸式體驗。此款Windows 11 電腦亦能透過Intel Unison™與Android或iOS裝置配對,打造以單一螢幕進行檔案傳輸、通話、訊息收發及裝置管理的無縫整合體驗。

Swift Go 14於AI技術的支援下,讓1440p QHD網路攝影機在進行影音串流或視訊會議時,不僅反應更加靈敏,且所需耗能更少。使用者能藉由Acer PurifiedVoice降低背景噪音;Acer PurifiedView使畫面呈現最佳效果,包括模糊背景、自動取景以及視線校正。當偵測到筆電鏡頭或麥克風啟用時,全新Acer QuickPanel功能會自動迅速切換成視訊會議的配置方案;此外,全新Acer AlterView則能利用AI生成的深度圖將2D圖像轉變為具3D效果的動畫桌布,並從多個角度觀賞。

使用者能藉助Windows Copilot強大的AI功能滿足工作、創作及娛樂需求,不僅能加速完成任務、減少延遲,更能節省時間並提供個人化的解答、靈感以及任務協助,涵蓋網頁內容摘要、撰寫電子郵件、變更電腦設定及生成圖像,包含像是小畫家、剪取工具、照片等應用程式,提供令人驚豔的AI成像。

使用者能一鍵啟用專門設置的AcerSense應用程式,針對筆電的性能、維護、客製化體驗進行無縫管理,其中的Acer AI Zone功能可協助使用者輕鬆查找裝置中的AI功能並獲得更新版本。Swift Go 14配置基本的連接埠,包括兩個USB Type-C、HDMI 2.1,並配備一個MicroSD插槽;內建Intel Wi-Fi 6E與Intel Bluetooth LE Audio,確保高品質的無線網路與音訊連接。

Acer Swift Go擁有俐落輕盈的外型及強大的效能,是經常移動且需要多功處理使用者的理想筆電。鋁製機身重1.32 kg、厚度僅14.9 mm,不論是收進包包或隨身攜帶都相當輕鬆便利。除此之外,環境友善的OceanGlass™觸控板原料均由海廢回收塑膠製成,相較前代產品,觸控面積增加44%,提供使用者更大的操作與滑動空間。即日起Swift Go全台開賣,建議售價34,900元起。

宏碁今發表另一款最新Predator Triton Neo 16電競筆記型電腦,搭載具AI加速能力的新款Intel Core™ Ultra處理器以及NVIDIA GeForce RTX 40系列GPU,全面支援需繁重運算需求的遊戲大作及專業應用程式。玩家與內容創作者能於Predator Triton Neo 16享受令人驚豔的遊戲場景及畫面設計,其16吋螢幕支援高達3.2K的解析度、165 Hz螢幕刷新率及經Calman認證的顯示器,提供即時且不失真的色彩。


▲Acer Triton Neo 16 。(圖/宏碁提供)

Predator Triton Neo 16亦具備先進的冷卻技術,結合第5代AeroBlade™風扇與CPU的液態金屬散熱膏,使筆電能維持全速運作;玩家還能透過以AI優化的Acer PurifiedVoice 2.0與PredatorSense™ 管理通訊及裝置。此款全新Windows 11電競筆電除了提供嘆為觀止的效能體驗外,更附贈一個月的Xbox Game Pass,使玩家得以暢玩超過百款高品質遊戲。

全新Predator Triton Neo 16(PTN16-51)電競筆電搭載頂尖技術,一系列的升級功能讓使用者得以釋放創意潛能,主宰遊戲世界。全新Intel Core Ultra H系列處理器內建AI專用引擎與Intel Application Optimization技術,不僅能提供高效性能、流暢遊戲體驗,還能於電競筆電上進行協作;玩家更能藉由最高支援NVIDIA DLSS 3.5技術的NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070筆電GPU, 於光線追蹤遊戲與應用程式中享有AI優化後的視覺效果。Predator Triton Neo 16獲得NVIDIA-Studio認證,為創作者量身打造,即使在最具挑戰性的創作工作中也能實現快速流暢的性能,創作者更能透過NVIDIA Studio創意軟體套件進行創作,亦可利用NVIDIA Studio驅動程式維持最佳運算穩定性與效能表現。

為充分享受全新升級的視覺效果,Predator Triton Neo 16提供2款16吋顯示器選擇,最高可選配3.2K解析度、165Hz螢幕刷新率以及16:10寬高比的螢幕,且均通過Calman認證,能呈現電影般的逼真色彩,將創作者的構想完美實現於眼前。同時,透過DCI-P3 100%色域的優勢,搭配NVIDIA Advanced Optimus功能以及NVIDIA G-SYNC技術,打造清晰鮮明的色調且零破圖的影像。Triton Neo 16具備最新升級的Acer Purified Voice™ 2.0,結合AI降噪技術及波束成形解決方案,佐以3D陣列設計的三個麥克風,能成功阻擋外部的聲音與雜訊,不論是玩家、實況主或內容創作者都能享受清晰的通話品質,將聽覺聚焦於主音響。

Predator Triton Neo 16配備先進的散熱解決方案以發揮極致潛能,藉由第5代AeroBlade™ 3D風扇及CPU上的液態金屬散熱膏,同時搭配熱導管以維持最關鍵的氣流。全新升級的Predator Sense 5.0 管理軟體,一鍵即能操控裝置,玩家僅需要點擊專用的PredatorSense按鈕,便能選擇四種運行模式,輕鬆切換遊戲、控制風扇速度或監測裝置性能表現;更可依據個人風格及偏好,自訂3區域的RGB背光鍵盤。Predator Triton Neo 16亦搭載齊全的連接埠,包括HDMI、一個USB-C Thunderbolt™ 4連接埠以及一個Micro SD™讀卡機,讓玩家隨時連接不設限。


微星科技因應AI PC時代到來,首波推出Prestige 16 AI Evo、Prestige 13 AI Evo兩款專為AI設計的筆記型電腦,搭載Intel 4製程的Core Ultra晶片,在效能提升之際仍保有令人訝異的輕便攜帶性。


▲Prestige 16 AI Evo。(圖/微星提供)

微星表示,13 AI Evo採用Core Ultra 5 125H或Ultra 7 155H,16 AI Evo則採用Ultra 7 155H和Ultra 9 185H。新晶片都包含一個專用的神經處理單元(NPU),以實現持久的AI性能並分擔GPU的AI應用工作負擔,此外這些晶片都配置用於下一代Intel Arc整合GPU。





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