電腦收購e like the Steam Deck OLED, where Valve got AMD to revise its chip for better battery life and stability and added a larger, brighter, gorgeous new OLED panel with improved response time and slimmer bezels.The ROG Ally X is a revision, not a sequel, and it’s a pricier one. It still runs Windows, and I still firmly believe Windows drags gaming handhelds down. But the Ally X might be the best Windows handheld yet — because
電腦收購asus has crammed a monster 80 watt-hour battery into a handheld that doesn’t feel heavy, one that fits my average-sized hands better than any Windows handheld I’ve tried. PreviousNext1/18Want to see some comparisons to the original ROG Ally and Steam Deck? Here’s a quick hardware tour:PreviousNext1/18Want to see some comparisons to the original ROG Ally and Steam Deck? Here’s a quick hardware tour:At 1.49 pounds (678g), the ROG Ally X is only 0.15 pounds (70g) heavier than the original, and it’s only 0.18 inches (4.5mm) thicker at its thickest point. It’s almost exactly the same weight as the original Steam Deck, and almost half an inch thinner, but with twice as much battery capacity inside. How? While the bigger battery added over 120 grams of weight,
電腦收購asus was able to offset half of it by making other components lighter. Krohn says a stronger, thinner, lighter chassis offered the biggest savings — the weight of the talcum-filled ABS / polycarbonate composite went from 176 grams to 134 grams by the time
電腦收購asus was done. (I did run into one side effect of the stiffer plastic blend: it’s harder to pop it open for repair.)The Ally X has lighter circuit boards, too, shaving away lots of unnecessary board, and a lighter cooling module — including 23-percent smaller fans that are actually more powerful, because the company’s in-house design team created its own custom set of 77 ultra-thin blades that trump the 47 of the original. Krohn says you might see the Ally run a couple degrees cooler, and the thinner blades help reduce the audible noise bump at around 5,000Hz, too. And, there’s a new series of vents that let the Ally X cool its touchscreen more effectively — up to 6°C cooler.PreviousNext1/11Let’s tour the Ally X internals, starting with the 80Wh battery.PreviousNext1/11Let’s tour the Ally X internals, starting with the 80Wh battery.The joysticks are another place where they’re both better and lighter: completely revised modular boards now use the same high-grade potentiometer based ALPS sticks you’ll find in a PS5 or Xbox gamepad, with far tighter throw than the original Ally, delightfully tacky concave tops a la Steam Deck OLED, wider bases for better dust resistance, and low friction POM plastic stems for smoother action when they scrape against the joystick ring’s edge.They’re rated to 5 million rotation cycles, up from 2 million, and if that’s not enough, they’re modular — ready for a drift-resistant Hall Effect magnetic joystick upgrade kit that Gulikit already has in development. (Krohn says not enough gamers prefer Hall Effect sticks for them to come standard, which… maybe?)And,
電腦收購asus has seemingly addressed almost all of the biggest complaints about I/O: You get a full-length M.2 2280 PCIe 4 SSD slot now, one which supports double-sided drives too, opening up both the highest capacity and the most cost effective storage options on the market. Ports and vents: ROG Ally X vs. ROG Ally. Tap here for a closer look.
電腦收購asus has also ditched its proprietary XG Mobile eGPU port for a second USB-C port, one that offers all the benefits of Thunderbolt 4 too: 40Gbps speeds, 100W USB-C PD charging, DP 1.4 video output, and 4 lanes of PCIe for standard eGPUs. (No Oculink, sorry.)Both ports are top-mounted, but Krohn says that lets even the weaker one offer 100W charging and 10Gbps data.And yes,
電腦收購asus says you get a new SD card reader that is not the same as the one that
電腦收購asus won’t admit has an issue.The ROG Ally X one-pager. 24GB RAM means the GPU and system basically no longer need to share.Here are some of the smaller details I learned:The D-pad is not only eight-way now, it’s also larger and more comfortable. I vastly prefer it.The face buttons are 3mm taller, inside a longer tube for more stability. I found they have a flatter press.The speakers have a slightly larger chamber for slightly more volume and bass.The haptic actuators have moved to the edges of the device, beneath palms, for more pronounced feedback and weight distribution.The shoulder buttons are mounted differently on the board so they don’t break as easily in a fall.The triggers are wider and made of smoky semi-transparent plastic that looks cool.The rear intake vents are slightly larger.The joystick tops are now attached with screws, so you could theoretically 3D print your own tops or stem extenders.Similarly, the new back buttons are screwed into the rear shell now, so you could theoretically move their position in your own 3D printed rear shell.There’s a ring around the fingerprint power button now to find it easier by feel.The Turbo mode still operates at 25W, but Silent has been bumped from 10W to 13W, and Performance from 15W to 17W. The battery is now rated to have 80 percent remaining capacity after 3 years of cycling, up from 70 percentThe handheld uses a different IMU now.It still has magnetic Hall Effect triggers, but revised slightly to make sure they don’t interfere with the speakers or vibration motors.While it does support 100W charging now, it still comes with the same 65W adapter.It’s not compatible with existing cases and mounts, but
電腦收購asus is in touch with fan favorites JSAUX, Deckmate and Dbrand to offer new ones.Existing Ally owners will be able to migrate settings to an Ally X with a cloud backup.Last but not least, there’s an easter egg in the comfy new grips — just like the PS5’s controller is studded with incredibly tiny PlayStation symbols, the ROG Ally X’s grips are covered with “ROG ROG ROG”:Touch the ROG. Enhance.I can’t w
華碩於IFA(柏林消費電子展)期間發表多項創新技術,宣示對「Ubiquitous AI. Incredible Possibilities」願景的承諾。發表一系列搭載最新Intel® Core™ Ultra處理器 (系列2) 的Copilot+ PC新品,包含:Zenbook S 14/ 16、Vivobook S 14、ExpertBook P系列等新世代AI筆電,及
電腦收購asus NUC 14 Pro AI迷你電腦,每款產品皆充分釋放Intel® Core™ Ultra處理器(系列2)潛能,提供最高48 TOPS的NPU算力,展現卓越AI運算效能;並將透過免費更新為Windows 11帶來內建AI功能,享有Copilot+ PC體驗。
Intel是華碩將尖端裝置推向市場的重要夥伴,華碩電腦全球副總裁暨消費產品事業處張仰光表示:「最新的Zenbook、Vivobook、ExpertBook筆電和NUC迷你電腦搭載強大的Intel® Core™ Ultra處理器,提供無與倫比的效能,並帶來豐富的AI體驗,幫助使用者充分發揮AI潛力,享受更聰明、更直觀的人機互動。」
Intel執行副總裁暨PC客戶運算事業群總經理Michelle Johnston Holthaus表示:「Intel與華碩為提升消費者和商用產品體驗攜手合作,推出搭載Intel® Core™ Ultra處理器(系列2)的華碩筆電,不但提供頂尖效能、更長的電池續航力、周全的資安和尖端AI功能。從生產力到創意,這些產品為各個領域的使用者體驗設立了全新標準。」
Zenbook S系列:完美結合精密工藝與極致效能
全新Zenbook S 14 (UX5406)重新定義輕薄筆電,將精緻設計與卓越效能融為一體。14吋輕薄美型機身僅1.1公分,1.2公斤,外蓋採用高科技陶瓷鋁合金(Ceraluminum™)製成,結合陶瓷溫潤觸感與鋁的強度,更加堅固耐用。鍵盤面的幾何格柵設計具備2,715個CNC加工散熱孔,使氣流和散熱達到最佳化以發揮優異效能。
憑藉Intel® Core™ Ultra處理器(系列2)的強大效能,NPU最高47 TOPS,成就非凡AI體驗。配備3K 120 Hz
電腦收購asus Lumina OLED螢幕,視覺效果令人驚艷,四揚聲器音效系統帶來劇院級音訊體驗。AI降噪確保清晰的線上會議音質,FHD AiSense紅外線攝影機支援AI效果以加強視訊互動。長效的72 Wh電池、無縫連接的完整 I/O 連接埠,以及先進的隱私安全功能,滿足行動辦公需求。加大的16:10觸控板結合直覺的智慧手勢,輕鬆調整亮度、音量及影音控制。Zenbook S 14 (UX5406)將於9/6中午開放預購;另有16吋Zenbook S 16 (UX5606),同樣輕薄美型,預計Q4在台上市。
Vivobook S 14:極簡設計效能超群
電腦收購asus Vivobook S 14 (S5406SA) ,全金屬纖薄機身僅1.3 公斤、1.39公分,極簡設計輕薄便攜。採用
電腦收購asus IceCool散熱技術,兩個97葉片的 IceBlade風扇和兩個通風口,最大TDP為35 W,即使在嚴苛的工作負載下也能保持最佳效能。最高配備Intel® Core™ Ultra 7處理器(系列2)和NPU 47 TOPS的AI引擎,高效執行AI應用程式表現極為出色。專屬Copilot按鍵一鍵啟動AI智能助手,75 Wh電池帶來最高22小時續航電力,以確保全天生產力。
電腦收購asus ErgoSense鍵盤,以及可精準操控的超大尺寸觸控板。超快的WiFi 7連線速度、完整I/O連接埠、16:10 3K 120 Hz螢幕以及Harman Kardon認證 Dolby Atmos®音訊系統,在工作與娛樂中取得完美平衡。
電腦收購asus Vivobook S 14預計年底在台上市,敬請期待。
電腦收購asus ExpertBook P系列商用筆電:AI加速工作效率
電腦收購asus ExpertBook P系列商用筆電,滿足企業客戶與專業人士更進階AI運算需求。其中,旗艦級
電腦收購asus ExpertBook P5 (P5405)配備先進的Intel® Core™ Ultra處理器(系列2),並整合最新
電腦收購asus AI ExpertMeet工具,透過AI翻譯、AI字幕、輔助會議摘要、AI降噪和商業浮水印等功能,徹底改變線上會議模式,帶來無與倫比的AI工作體驗,
電腦收購asus ExpertBook P5 (P5405)最高提供NPU 47 TOPS和平台總算力120 TOPS,可最佳化執行當代AI應用程式。系列中亦有
電腦收購asus ExpertBook P3 (P3405/P3605)供選擇,同樣效能極佳、耐用可靠。
電腦收購asus ExpertBook P系列商用筆電提供延伸至BIOS層級的多層安全性,包括安全開機和可信任平台模組(TPM)等,以防止開機時未經授權的介入。華碩也與McAfee合作,在
電腦收購asus ExpertBook P系列商用筆電預先安裝資安防護軟體McAfee+ Premium Individual Unlimited,全球自2024年9月起可免費使用一年。
電腦收購asus ExpertBook P系列結合強大功能與簡約美學,在維持絕佳效能的同時,體現華碩對永續發展的承諾。
電腦收購asus ExpertBook P5 (P5405)採用回收鋁合金和回收鋼材,大幅減少環境衝擊,並率先在華碩商用筆電中使用回收磁鐵。未來此系列將拓展至桌機和All-in-One電腦,預計於2025年推出,敬請期待。
電腦收購asus NUC 14 Pro AI迷你電腦:精巧強大
電腦收購asus NUC 14 Pro AI 在 AI NUC 迷你電腦技術上擁有令人驚豔的突破性進展,其搭載最新 Intel® Core™ Ultra 9處理器(系列2),多架構CPU、GPU 和NPU配置,以實現高達 120 TOPS的總算力,其中NPU亦顯著提升 AI 運算至 48 TOPS,為前代處理器的三倍!
電腦收購asus NUC 14 Pro AI 容量不到 0.6 公升,機身高度僅 3.4公分,除能有效節省空間,另具備無與倫比的超高性能,相當適合商業及邊緣運算等多元應用;而倍增的算圖能力,搭配創新的嵌入式LPDDR5x設計,將為各種物聯網情境帶來絕佳的運作表現和穩定性。
電腦收購asus NUC 14 Pro AI,內建出色的智能散熱技術,並符合EPEAT Climate+能源效率標準,再加上安全啟動、指紋辨識與高信賴平台模組(TPM)等功能,資安隱私有保障。全新
電腦收購asus NUC 14 Pro AI的喇叭及麥克風均支援語音操作;獨家遠端控管模式和微軟的Windows Autopilot亦可大幅簡化設備調整、調度流程。