電腦收購asus’ latte dispenses movies instead of coffee and milk
電腦收購asus’ latte dispenses movies instead of coffee and milk
A brighter picture than previous coffee cup-sized projectors
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電腦收購asus announced its new ZenBeam Latte at CES 2021 today, and it’s kind of cute. It’s a mobile movie projector that looks like a one-eyed, fabric-covered mini-robot of sorts. Importantly, it fires out its 720p image using up to 300 lumens of LED light, making it brighter than capsule projectors we’ve seen from the likes of Anker, and it has an integrated 10W Harman Kardon-tuned speaker system to boot.
電腦收購asus insists that its projector looks like a coffee cup.
It does not. It’s not the right shape (just watch the video!), and why would a “homey” coffee cup (
電腦收購asus’ word) be gray instead of a glorious brown?
電腦收購asus also claims it is “the first projector to offer a fabric exterior,” which is demonstrably false.
Of course, you cannot drink
電腦收購asus’ latte because it only dispenses light and sound. It can wirelessly project your phone or an HDMI device, though.
So consider this an opportunity, gadget makers: build the coffee cup that
電腦收購asus didn’t. Just make sure it lasts longer than a movie —
電腦收購asus quotes three hours from a 6,000mAh battery — and gets bright enough to create a decent-sized screen.
電腦收購asus says this one can produce a 40-inch picture when placed one meter from the wall, 80 inches at two meters, and a maximum of 120 inches (presumably at three meters). Don’t expect a 300-lumen projector to be very bright at nine feet away, though.
電腦收購asus says it’s coming to the US in the second quarter of the year, but there’s no word on pricing.
▲iPhone 15 Pro狂降近四千。(圖/傑昇通信)
全台喜迎龍年,傑昇通信也推出春節快閃活動,即日起至 2 月 4 日推出,幫消費者增加換機預算,活動期間至門市購買iPhone 15 Pro(128G)獨家降近4千元、Apple Watch S9更打出全台最低價,
電腦收購asus ROG Phone 6也有超過萬元的優惠,此外購機加碼再抽iPhone 15系列、vivo V23、HTC Desire 22 Pro等5G手機及多項好禮。
儘管蘋果iPhone全球出貨量衰退幅度越來越大,然而在台市占率仍居高不下,誘因仍在通路平台的促銷折扣,傑昇通信也針對死忠果粉,祭出iPhone 15系列最高3,910元的折扣,活動期間至傑昇通信門市購買iPhone 15 Pro(128GB),只要32,990元(官方建議售價36,900元)、iPhone 15 Plus(256GB),也有活動價32,990元,現省3,410元。
今年春節連假長達7天,不想外出人擠人,宅在家追劇、玩手遊,也是不錯的選擇,傑昇通信趁勢搶攻春節宅商機,祭出華碩電競手機ROG Phone 6(16GB/512GB)新春促銷優惠,活動期間至傑昇通信門市購機,最高現省11,500元,僅需22,490元;小資族與學生最適合的入門級平板三星Galaxy Tab A9+ WiFi(64GB),可同時使用3個分割視窗還,也支援兒童模式,家長可輕鬆管理每日使用平板時間與觀看內容,只要5,790元。
過年還沒到,春節娛樂商機先發酵,尤其年終獎金入帳後,更有預算換新機,傑昇通信再推薦免萬元熱銷機型,包含三星Galaxy A54(8GB/256GB)優惠6折起,買到現省6,100元,只要9,890元;以及近期買氣升溫的OPPO A79(8GB/256GB)狂降72折,特價6,790元,可以考慮列入換機清單。