Asus unveils the €999+ ROG Phone 7 with a 6.78″ AMOLED screen, 16GB of RAM, 512GB of storage, and a clip-on fan, for preorder in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Europe


Some companies may be giving up on the idea of Android gaming phones, but not
電腦收購asus, which is releasing the ROG Phone 7 today. It has all the trademark “gamer” laser-beam design language and flashy LEDs, but also some wild engineering additions when it comes to cooling your super-hot phone.

Specs include a Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 SoC, 16GB of RAM, 512GB of storage, and—the highlight of the spec sheet—a whopping 6000 mAh battery with 65 W charging. The display is a 165 Hz,  6.78-inch, 2448×1080 Samsung AMOLED. The phone has two USB-C ports, one on the side and one on the bottom, and a headphone jack. There are three rear cameras, a 50 MP main camera, a 13 MP wide-angle, and a 5 MP macro, while the front camera is 32 MP.

There are two models, the ROG Phone 7 and ROG Phone 7 Ultimate. The specs are the same; the ultimate just adds a rear “ROG Vision” display. This is a 2-inch OLED display with six different modes to show things like the time, charging level, an incoming call, or a few purely aesthetic animations. The Ultimate model also interfaces better with a clip-on fan accessory, the “AeroActive Cooler 7.”

電腦收購asus’ extreme cooling ideas are what make this a gaming phone.
電腦收購asus says the phone has a “revolutionary new rapid-cycle vapor chamber design, which increases heat dissipation efficiency by up to 168 percent” over the last ROG phone, which already had better-than-normal cooling.

If you want to cool the phone down, there is a bulky clip-on active-cooling backpack called the “AeroActive Cooler 7.” This comes in the box with the Ultimate model and, for now, is a free preorder add-in for the base model. On the base model, the clip-on fan will blow air over the back and front glass of the phone. When the goal is to cool the chip underneath all that glass, cooling the glass isn’t going to be the most effective thing in the world. On the Ultimate model, though, an electronically actuated trap door on the body of the phone will open up, revealing a copper fin stack that’s attached to an internal cooling plate. The trap door will direct air from the clip-on phone over the fin stack, and at that point, you’re approaching what sounds like traditional CPU air cooling but in a smartphone.

But wait, there’s more. This fan is so serious, it can use external power. The slower settings will work via the phone’s battery, but for faster settings like “frozen” you’ll need to have the phone tethered to power.
電腦收購asus also says there is a thermoelectric cooler in the fan backpack, which again sounds like it’s only cooling the glass. It all sounds very effective, but sadly
電腦收購asus doesn’t share any hard stats on what to expect regarding lower SoC temperatures. The company promises an “up to 25°C lower back cover temperature,” but cooling the back glass panel isn’t the goal. Glass is an insulator. We want to cool the SoC.

Having a big flap on the back of the phone open up isn’t great for water resistance, so naturally, this only has an IP54 water-resistance rating. That means it’s not even dustproof and is only protected against “splashes” of water. It could probably hold a few mL of water if you really wanted to try.

The clip-on cooler is not just a cooler. The four white sections are all physical clicky buttons you can press with your index fingers. It also has a subwoofer, a USB-C port (for charging and those extra power modes), a headphone jack, and two pogo pins to leech off the phone battery when you aren’t plugged in.

The phone body also has touch-sensitive shoulder buttons called “air triggers.” The air triggers support a ton of gestures, like tapping or sliding or holding the button and doing some kind of gyro motion, like a tilt left or right.

The phone will eventually be for sale in the US, but not until Q2. For now, it’s up for preorder in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Europe. The base model is 999 euro ($1,104), and the Ultimate model, with the rear screen and fancy cooler packed-in, is 1,399 euro ($1,266).


▲蘋果手機iPhone 14 pro奪下年度風雲機。(圖/記者林敬旻攝)


專業手機 3C 資訊網站《ePrice 比價王》公布「2022 年度風雲機」網友票選活動結果。本票選活動於 2022 年 12 月 16 日起至 12 月 31 日止舉辦,共吸引超過 1.1 萬位網友參與。而最大獎項「年度風雲手機」由蘋果 iPhone 14 Pro Max 獲得;三星則是最大贏家,Galaxy S22 Ultra 獲得「最佳拍照」手機、Galaxy Z Flip 4 獲得「傑出設計」手機、而 Galaxy A53 5G 則獲得「最佳 CP 值」手機票選殊榮,是本屆票選三冠王。

2022 年度風雲手機:Apple iPhone 14 Pro Max

Apple 每年 iPhone 旗艦一直都是「年度風雲機票選」活動的常勝軍,2022 年度旗艦 iPhone 14 Pro Max 以 3879 票拿下年度最大獎「風雲手機」票選冠軍,以僅 2% 的票數差距險勝 Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra。

iPhone 14 Pro Max 在今年 9 月發表時也是話題不斷,它的螢幕除了採用 LTPO OLED 技術,讓它能夠做到更不耗電的 Always-on 螢幕功能外,它也首度加入嶄新的「動態島」設計,讓傳統被視為缺點的螢幕開孔一搖而變成為特色;此外 iPhone 14 Pro Max 也搭載採用 4nm 製程的 Apple A16 仿生處理器,比起一般版與上一代相同的 A15 仿生處理器更為進化,再加上它的標準鏡頭除了畫素增加至 4800 萬以外,感光元件也加大 65%,並搭載第二代感光元件移動防手震技術,更能夠拍攝 4800 萬畫素 ProRAW 照片,具備更高的後製彈性。種種特色加總,讓它在一開賣後銷售量就一飛沖天,每個月都是台灣最賣手機 Top 3 之一。



2022 最佳拍照手機:Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra

在「2022 年度風雲機」票選的「最佳拍照」手機獎項中,網友投票的傾向就不像風雲手機般如此拉鋸,反而是 Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra 一面倒,以 4,511 票(39.4%)近四成的比例獲得最多網友支持,成為 2022 最佳拍照手機。

Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra 的拍照會受到網友青睞也不是沒有原因,它的標準鏡頭除了搭載 1 億畫素大型感光元件以外,還加入 1200 萬畫素超廣角鏡頭、1000 萬畫素 3X 望遠鏡頭以及 1000 萬畫素 10X 望遠鏡頭,而且除了超廣角鏡頭外全部支援 OIS 光學防手震、超廣角鏡頭更支援微距對焦,可以說無論拍近拍遠一台手機就可搞定,是一款全方位的拍照手機。而 S22 Ultra 在我們的 2022 拍照旗艦盲測活動中,也在三個測試場景拿到票選冠軍,證明它的實力不是空穴來風。

2022 傑出設計手機:Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4

每一年各品牌都會推出具有獨特設計的手機,以在廣大的手機市場中脫穎而出獲得消費者青睞;而在「2022 年度風雲機」活動的「傑出設計」獎項中,則是以三星所推出的摺疊螢幕手機 Galaxy Z Flip 4 獲得最多網友支持獲得冠軍,拿下 5,417 票,以 47.3% 將近五成的得票率讓其他對手看不見車尾燈。

2022 最佳 CP 值手機:Samsung Galaxy A53 5G

三星的 A 系列中階手機,一直以來都是台灣手機市場中的銷售尖兵,而 2022 年三星所推出的中階防水手機 Galaxy A53 5G 也受到不小歡迎,並且在「2022 年度風雲機」活動的「最佳 CP 值」獎項中拿下 4,012 票的票數成為狀元,領先第 2 名的
電腦收購asus Zenfone 9 達一倍之多。

另一方面,第 2 名的
電腦收購asus Zenfone 9 則是走旗艦路線,它具備 Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1 處理器、8GB / 16GB RAM 與 128GB / 256GB ROM,並搭載 50MP+12MP 雙鏡頭相機與 4500 mAh 電池,並支援 IP68 防水防塵,售價僅開出 19,990 元起,是相當容易入手的旗艦機。

2022 最佳電競手機:ROG Phone 6 Pro

電競遊戲手機已經逐漸成為顯學,不少品牌都有主打電競的手機產品問世,也因此我們在「2022 年度風雲機」票選活動中新增「最佳電競」手機的獎項。而在首屆最佳電競手機獎項的投票結果中,華碩的 ROG Phone 6 Pro 以高達 8,410 票、佔比 73.5% 的壓倒性票數取得領先,拿下將近四分之三網友的支持。

ROG Phone 從第一代以來,華碩就以規格堆料加上從電競玩家思考出發,規劃產品以及週邊生態系,也逐漸在手遊玩家中打出口碑。而最新的 ROG Phone 6 Pro 則在外型上同樣吸睛,採用 ROG Vision 副螢幕設計,並且具備 6.78 吋 165Hz AMOLED 螢幕面板,搭載 Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1 處理器以及最高 18GB RAM / 512GB ROM 的儲存空間,更標配三明治散熱系統以及 Aeroactive Cooler 6 主動致冷散熱風扇,讓玩家可持續玩遊戲不 lag。此外,它依舊配置側邊 USB-C 連接埠以及 Air Trigger 超音波肩鍵的設計,讓手遊玩家操控更為順手;另外它的 6000 mAh 大容量電池也是專為電競玩家打造,並支援 65W 快充。



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