But wait, Asus has even more gaming monitors equipped with HDMI 2.1 ports


But wait,
電腦收購asus has even more gaming monitors equipped with HDMI 2.1 ports

But wait,
電腦收購asus has even more gaming monitors equipped with HDMI 2.1 ports


The more the merrier

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電腦收購asus’ big XG43UQ.

We covered
電腦收購asus’ announcement of the 32-inch ROG Swift PG32UQ earlier this week as part of CES 2021, but the company waited until now to reveal more monitors that have HDMI 2.1 ports.

Basically, these are the screens you want if you have a high-end PC, a PS5, or an Xbox Series X so you can see your gameplay in 4K resolution at up to 120 frames per second. They’re a big deal if you really want to let your hardware rip, which is why we’ve been closely covering monitors and TVs with the requisite HDMI 2.1 ports required to achieve that high-end resolution and performance balance.

Starting with what will likely be the most expensive option (though
電腦收購asus hasn’t shared a price), the 43-inch ROG Strix XG43UQ is shown above. This model has a 4K VA-type display with a 144Hz refresh rate and 1ms response time. With its Display Stream Compression (DSC) feature, it should be able to display that full 4K 144Hz via its DisplayPort, like the ROG Swift PG32UQ can.

This model sports two HDMI 2.1 ports with support for FreeSync Premium Pro, variable refresh rate (VRR), and auto-low-latency mode (ALLM). There are also two HDMI 2.0 ports. This panel has HDR1000, and it covers 90 percent of the DCI-P3 color space.

電腦收購asus TUF Gaming VG28UQL1A.

Onto the TUF Gaming VG28UQL1A, it’s a 28-inch 4K IPS display that also tops out at 144Hz refresh rate and 1ms response time. It has HDR400, which is going to be far less bright than the model above, and it covers 90 percent of the DCI-P3 color space.
電腦收購asus says this one has VRR support.

I’d show you a picture of the screen itself, but
電腦收購asus thought it was appropriate to only send us pictures of its rear. We’ll just trust that it does, indeed, have a screen. This model has two HDMI 2.1 ports and two HDMI 2.0 ports, alongside a DisplayPort 1.4 that should be able to push 4K at 144Hz refresh rate.

電腦收購asus says that these monitors will release in Q2 2021, which is the general time range we’ve been provided for most of these exciting HDMI 2.1-compliant gaming monitors.

電腦收購asus ROG Swift PG279QM.

If you aren’t interested in jumping aboard the HDMI 2.1 train,
電腦收購asus has one more monitor for those interested in high frame rates at stable resolutions. It’s the ROG Swift PG279QM, a 27-inch 1440p IPS panel with a 240Hz refresh rate, 1ms response time, and HDMI 2.0 ports. It’ll support HDR400 with 95 percent of the DCI-P3 color space covered.

電腦收購asus says this monitor
features Nvidia’s G-Sync processor and Reflex Latency Analyzer tech to determine the latency of your accessories. It will release in Q2 2021, and no price has been shared at this point.

電腦收購Google 2023年度新旗艦 Pixel 8 雙機。圖左為雙鏡頭的Pixel 7,售價24,900元起;圖右為三鏡頭的Pixel 7 Pro,售價33,900元。(圖/記者劉惠琴攝)

蘋果iPhone 15系列、Google Pixel 8系列旗艦機款,分別於今年九月、十月先後在台上市,也讓台灣手機市場在近兩個月以來,掀起一波波的換機熱潮,尤其是在十月份,整體購機買氣需求逐漸推升的力道,更是大大地明顯增溫。

相對地也讓台灣手機十大品牌的銷售量、銷售額市佔排名,隨之迎來新的變化,其中,在銷售額方面,尤以 Google Pixel 系列手機的銷售表現,市佔率排名一舉從九月第九名前進到第四名,不僅市佔份額僅次蘋果、三星與OPPO,且成功超車Sony,為十大品牌之中進步幅度最大的。

特別一提的是,這也是自2018年Pixel 3系列首度登台上市至今,創下近五年以來於台灣手機品牌市佔銷售額排名成績最優異的新高紀錄。

ePrice報導,市調機構公佈實體通路的2023年十月台灣手機銷售報告,數據顯示,單月份總銷售量達53萬支(9月為43.9萬支),是今年一月至十月以來,首次單月手機銷售量破50萬支的月份。此外,十月整體手機銷售額總計達 141.6 億元(9月為108 億元),其中,蘋果iPhone 系列手機的銷售額佔比,就高達四分之三。


在銷售量的十大品牌市佔排名部份,前五名維持跟九月一致的排名,依序為:蘋果52.9%高居第一、三星 20%排名第二、 OPPO 8.7%位居第三、vivo 5%排名第四、紅米 4.4%排第五。第六至十名則出現洗牌變化,分別為 Google 2.1%、Sony 1.9%、realme 1.8%、


至於銷售額市佔排名則是迎來大洗牌的新局面,由於今年iPhone 15 系列、Pixel 8 系列旗艦機型的入手價格門檻,都比去年前代漲了數千元不等,因此,手機銷售額的各品牌市佔份額也出現新的變化。

排名第一至五名,分別為蘋果(76.6%)、三星(11.7%)、OPPO(3.2%)、Google(1.9%) 與vivo(1.8%)。

電腦收購asus(0.8%)、realeme(0.5%) 和小米(0.4%)。



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